#3-Shashanka: Between Myth and Reality — A Deep Dive into Bengal’s Enigmatic King

4 min readSep 9, 2023


Linking the Past to the Present: The Enigma of Shashanka

After dissecting the grand narrative of Harshavardhana in my last post, I couldn’t help but find myself grappling with the question of what comes next. The landscape of history is so vast and intricate, each fragment holding tales as grand as epics, and as personal as individual dilemmas. As someone relatively new to the world of blogging, I sometimes find myself grappling with a kind of imposter syndrome, wondering if I am yet ripe enough to delve into these deep waters. But with each post, I find my footing a bit more, driven by a voracious appetite for unraveling the lesser-explored narratives from the rich tapestry of our past.

In this spirit of exploration and learning, my historical compass now turns to a figure deeply intertwined with the story of Harshavardhana — the enigmatic King Shashanka. His reign marked a significant chapter in ancient Indian history, a period punctuated by grand ambitions, shifting allegiances, and the ceaseless endeavor to carve out a lasting legacy.

The Rise of Shashanka: An Ascension Shrouded in Mystery

The early life and ascension of Shashanka to the throne remain partially obscured in the annals of history. Piecing together the fragments, scholars like R.C. Majumdar posit that Shashanka initially served under the Later Gupta kings during a time when the Gupta Empire was on the decline. A man of towering ambitions, he rose through the ranks, potentially having served as a vassal to the Maukharies ruler of Kannauj before overthrowing the Later Guptas to assert his dominance over Bengal around 603–604 CE. This period was marked by a series of campaigns, including a confrontation with the ruler of the Mana dynasty, showcasing his determination to establish a formidable kingdom.

Shashanka and Buddhism: A Complex Narrative

As I delve deeper, one aspect that stands stark is Shashanka’s portrayal in Buddhist texts, a narrative largely influenced by the accounts of Xuanzang and the Aryamanjusrimulakalpa. This Buddhist tantric text portrays Shashanka, or ‘Som’ as referred to here, as a relentless persecutor of Buddhists, allegedly punished by divine forces for his actions. A gruesome account even narrates his skin melting off, a tragic end bestowed by the divine entities of Buddhist lore.

Yet, it is pivotal to approach these accounts with a grain of skepticism. Buddhist texts have historically painted figures not aligned with their faith in a harsh light. A similar narrative surrounds Pushyamitra Shunga, an older Hindu king who too faced condemnation in Buddhist literature for his lack of patronage towards Buddhism. Thus, while not absolving Shashanka of the deeds attributed to him, it is an appeal to the discerning reader to weigh these historical narratives with a balanced perspective, acknowledging the potential for biases stemming from religious and political inclinations of that period.

A Reign of Transformation and Conflict

Shashanka’s reign heralded a transformative era for Bengal. In a period where Harshavardhana was rising as a notable power in the north, Bengal too was undergoing significant cultural and political transformations. Shashanka stood as a pillar of stability, undertaking initiatives like the introduction of distinct Bengali coinage, fostering a unique identity for the region.

But this period was not devoid of conflicts. The assassination of Harsha’s elder brother, Rajyavardhana, saw Shashanka cast in a cloud of suspicion, igniting a series of confrontations with Harsha. These were not mere skirmishes but a manifestation of larger political dynamics, territorial aspirations, and the deep-seated desires of rulers to expand their realms.

The Last Days of a King: A Tale Steeped in Mystery

As with the beginnings, the end of Shashanka’s reign is a narrative cloaked in layers of mystery and speculation. While some accounts lean towards a natural demise, others hint at a turbulent end, a reflection of the volatile political landscape of that era. The truth remains elusive, with the sands of time having swallowed many details that might have offered a clearer picture of Shashanka’s final days.

Conclusion: Walking the Tightrope of Historical Interpretation

As we tread the intricate paths of history, Shashanka emerges as a figure who defies simplistic categorizations of ‘hero’ or ‘villain’. His story beckons us to embrace the complexity of human narratives, where individuals are shaped by their times, their ambitions, and the ever-present human penchant for leaving a mark in the annals of history.

As we stand on the cusp of yet another deep dive into the past in future posts, let us carry with us a spirit of inquiry, a willingness to question established narratives, and an open heart to embrace the multifaceted hues of historical figures.

As I bid you adieu until our next historical sojourn, I leave you with an invitation to delve deeper, to question more, and to remain endlessly fascinated by the rich and varied tapestry that history presents, a tapestry where facts meet interpretations, and where the known meets the unknown.

